Feel Good Fashion & Beauty Tips

Normal services resumed! After such an amazing whirlwind week of the Coronation, I’m back to bringing you more fashion and beauty content with a sprinkle of Royal sparkle on my social media channels.

I’m rounding up this week’s Feel Good Fashion & Beauty favourites from my content on Instagram, TikTok & YouTube.

Princess Charlotte and Princess Catherine - Style Twins

She may have looked like a Mummy mini-me at the Coronation, but did you know just how similar to her mum Princess Charlotte is? 👑

Princess Charlotte is hot on Princess Catherine’s heels as she shares the same interests and passions as Kate - and of course there’s the fashion! ✨

Watch the Royal Reel here:


And that's a wrap! 💫

A few days turned into two jam-packed weeks, but what a huge amount of fun it's been reliving into the fascinating world of Royal fashion, history, pomp and circumstance! 👑

There is always something to learn with the Royal family, every day is a school day, and it is all just so fascinating, I will be forever grateful that I got to cover this once in a lifetime, magnificent event in some small way.

Swipe through for a one in a million weekend that turned into a fortnight!

Must also shout out some lovely gifts:

My fabulous special edition Robert Radio that now has pride of place in my office ✨
The gorgeous Amelia Hunt London handbag which also happens to be an excellent Kate Middleton dupe!
Some rather delicious Biscuiteers coronation biscuits which didn't last 5 minutes!
And a beautiful new Atkinsons 1799 perfume with packaging almost as good as it's scent 😍

I've had heaps and heaps of coverage out in the press, on TV and podcasts which has been incredible fun if a LOT of hard work - and I'm leaving a couple of them right here.

View the Feel Good Fashion post here:


Glowing Review!

After a super busy, but super exciting, whirlwind few weeks with the Coronation, this weekend I took some time to breathe, reflect and really appreciate where my journey has taken me so far! ✨

Whether it's dressing a red carpet client, giving a new Mum back her fashion mojo by taking her on a fun & fabulous shopping trip, delivering brand and fashion shoots for clients or launching an exciting social media campaign for aligned brands... sometimes I really do have to pinch myself and in busy weeks like the last few, through the overwhelm, show gratitude that my job isn't something I've "got" to do, but that I "get" to do! ⭐️

And feedback like Kate's in the post above, really does make it all that extra bit special! 💗

Thank you so much for all the love and support, especially over the last few weeks, it really does mean the world to me!

View the Feel Good Fashion post here:


When Fashion and Magic collide! ✨

Just had the loveliest day EVER on Saturday, hanging out with my old friend Annie Reed at her fabulous store in Marlow Sansom Reed for the In Your Element wellness event.

Apart from a spot of clothes shopping (how could I not?!) I was there, testing the waters for a new business of mine.... as if I wasn't busy enough already!!!

We are called Rokkstar and sell the most beautiful and magical crystals and stones you will ever set eyes on. We have everything from powerful pocket stones to museum-quality rare statement pieces to brand-new-to-this-earth minerals that have chosen to be with us at this moment in time... 💫

It's something I am incredibly passionate about, and working with these beautiful babies is the perfect antidote to the stressful and hectic (if utterly fabulous) world of fashion and media ⭐️

We are literally a baby company at the moment so please watch this space - we will let you know the moment we are fully open for business ⚡️

In the meantime, if you are after fun, colourful fashion - and something just that little bit different, do go and check out Annie's lovely shop - either in person or online, it's an absolute treasure trove and Annie's service is second to none! 🛍️

If you want to grab an extra fabulous bargain keep an eye on the Sansom Reed website this weekend as there’s a fantastic birthday sale starting this Friday! 🎉

Oh and scroll through to see who I bumped into on my coffee break?! Now I'd say that was a very auspicious sign, wouldn't you?!!!

View the Feel Good Fashion post here:


Princess Beatrice just gave us the BEST Style Tip! 🤩

We can all do it, and it costs absolutely nothing! 💫

Beatrice looks stunning here and I love the direction her style is taking (I thought she was one of the best dressed brigade at the Coronation).

It’s often the simple tricks that are the most effective, and this post serves as a simple reminder to us all - myself included - to regularly make time to have a play with your wardrobe, experiment with unusual combinations and watch the magic ensue.... ✨

These two pieces - a pretty sundress and a sheer shirt are lovely separately, but become even more special together!

NB - The style of dress comes in many different fabrics, which is why it looks slightly different in this video.

Watch the Feel Good Fashion Reel here:


One of the most inspirational women I know ✨

Thank you so much to the incredible Katie Piper for moving us with your work Katie Piper Foundation once again and leaving us in awe of your spirit and positivity after all that you have been through.

They say you have to reach your lowest point before you can rise to greatness and I am still struggling to comprehend everything Katie has suffered after the horrendous acid attack leaving her with severe burns and needing years of harrowing treatment all those years ago.

Now, she is a beacon of hope for others, and her light beams as bright and beautiful as ever 💗

What a beautiful meeting of like-minded, inspirational souls - we feasted on the most delicious lunch at the one and only Daphne’s London, hosted by the beautiful Lauren Silverman and Katie Brindle and learned about the horrors so many burns victims have faced which not only scar them physically, but mentally and for the rest of their lives. I don’t know how these people would cope if it wasn’t for the incredible Katie Piper Foundation and this fabulous charity needs our help and support to continue to give light, love and hope to so many in need 💫

I had the loveliest time chatting to some other amazing women who all support this very worthy cause including Princess Beatrice, Hannah Coffin, Kelly Hoppen, Amanda Holden, the uber-talented Rosie J Nixon, Lucinda Jamieson and so many more 🌸

I’m left totally humbled at the bravery and courage of these people, and hope I can be of help in some small way.... thinking cap is on…

Watch the Feel Good Fashion Reel here:


Have a wonderful weekend!

Love Mx

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Miranda Holder