Feel Good Fashion & Beauty Tips

What a beautiful week it has been in the UK - I hope you enjoyed the sunshine and kept cool!

I’m rounding up this week’s Feel Good Fashion & Beauty favourites from my content on Instagram, TikTok & YouTube!

Does your upper body feel bulky and hard to style? 🤔

Chances are you may have a short torso...

You are probably familiar with the usual body shapes - apple, pear strawberries and so on, but your vertical is just as important ⭐️

This is how long your body is compared to your legs... if you have a short torso then you may feel quite square or bulky on top but have a decent pair of legs.

Is this you?

Watch the Feel Good Fashion reel to find out:


Want to know the easiest trick for knowing where to apply your bronzer?! 💫

Just make a ‘3’ on each side of your face and blend well into the hairline and under the jaw.

TOP TIP: Remember to tap the brush before taking it to your face to ensure the product is distributed evenly.

Now go and have a gorgeous sun kissed evening! ☀️

Watch the Feel Good Beauty Tip here:


Grecian Goddess vibes... 💫

Another beautiful dress from ethical, sustainable and heartfelt British brand @stonedwaisted 🌸

Besides using beautiful fabrics, Rachel specialises in designing pieces that are just that little bit different, everyone feels like a one off, something that you definitely cannot buy 'off the peg' and are clearly made with love and intended to last.

When I was looking through the collection I loved the drama of this piece and just knew I had to style it ⭐️

Some dresses just make you feel beautiful, and this one did just that 💗

View the Feel Good Fashion post here:


Do Kate and Meghan copy each other? 🤔

In a recent interview I was asked if I thought Kate and Meghan copy each other when it comes to fashion, and I thought it was an interesting topic to share with you.

Both women ad young and beautiful, both have an interest in fashion, and when both women were members of the Royal Family, both had to live with the same strict etiquette that restricted the clothes they could wear 👑

Watch the video to find out what my thoughts are on this topic!

What do you think? Do Kate and Meghan copy each other when it comes to fashion?

Watch the Royal Reel here:


The best self tan trick! ☀️

A cheeky little tip today from me to you - if you are getting a bit hot and sweaty but still want to wear self-tan during the day then this is what you need - smells divine too!

View the Feel Good Beauty reel here:


Lost your mid-life style mojo? Read on for tips! 💫

Feeling lost? Fallen out of love with your wardrobe? Has your body shape changed or your outfits just don’t feel like ‘you’ anymore?
Follow these tips to regain your mid-life style mojo and get back to feeling fabulous ✨

⭐️ Chuck it in the fuck it bucket. This is your life and you play by your rules, no-one else’s. Stop blaming your body for changing shape as you get older and start appreciating it for all it has done for you. Make friends with your curves and wobbly bits - you’ve earned every stretch mark. Don’t try to fit in with styling ‘rules’ or conform to what’s in fashion - you do you, exactly how you want to, and if others don’t want to come along for the ride then that’s their problem.

⭐️ Wear your happy. Dress for you - and no-one else - every single day. Choose clothes that put a spring in your step, bring you joy and give you a glow. Whether you opt for OTT maximalism or prefer understated chic, make sure you love your outfit every day, and others will follow.

⭐️ Find your sexy. I don’t care how old you are, you are a sensual being and you absolutely still have it! You are far from over the hill, but this side of you - like everything - needs nurturing. So put the granny knickers in the bin and seek out some lingerie that makes you feel special. It doesn’t have to be a thong that cuts you in half, but just something that helps you find your sexy. This isn’t for anyone else but you - your body is beautiful, so celebrate it.

⭐️ Embrace your beauty. It can be very easy to get stuck in a makeup rut, sticking to the same old formula that has worked for years. As we age, our skin and colouring changes and most of us could do with a makeup refresh. Nothing ages you quicker than dated makeup, so make some time to freshen up your look and get your glow back.

⭐️ Fall in love with you. We are all perfectly imperfect - which is what makes us human. It’s time to embrace those imperfections, whether they are physical or otherwise - they are what make you interesting and unique.

⭐️ Stay in touch. I’m not suggesting you learn all the latest slang here but don’t get stuck in a time warp either. Remember your parents asking you to turn off ’this awful noise’ when you were playing your favourite tunes? Don’t turn into them! The next time a teenager tells you about the latest band/film/craze/word etc take note. The world is an exciting ever-evolving place so stay active and relevant and contribute - you may well be delighted you did!

⭐️ Develop some ‘sassitude’. The good old ‘act as if’ mantra - even if you don’t feel like it, act like you own it - don’t hunch your shoulders, bow your head and hide in a corner - stand tall, hold your head up high, get the girls front and centre and be loud and proud. You have so much to offer us all and the moment you realise this, everyone else will 💗

View the Feel Good Fashion post here:


New Brand Alert! ⭐️

If you're after a unique outfit that no-one else will have, from a brand with immaculate sustainability ethics, then look no further than @lovehero 😍

They have the most beautiful, versatile collection of beautifully cut pieces in organic and recycled fabrics which are all just that little bit different ✨

Definitely one to watch!

View the Feel Good Fashion post here:


Have a wonderful weekend!



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Miranda Holder